
Meditating Buddha – Handmade Painting

(1 customer review)


Why Buy:

  1. Get a Tree planted on your name for Free with Certificate with purchase of worth 1000 Rs.
  2. Join the Revolution of Recycling and make tomorrow Clean and Green.
  3. Decorate your Home, Meaningfully Eco-Friendly.
  4. Join and Support our initiative of Recycling and Upcycling waste materials.
  5. Encourage Vocal for Local Initiative
  6. Made in India, Made with Love
  7. A direct benefit to Poor Downtrodden Artists
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Indycult presents the handmade, upcycled Meditating Buddha – Handmade Painting

The Painting is framed with our all-new Paper mache Framing Bit which is 100% made up of recycled paper and Strong enough

Specification of the painting:

 Handcrafted painting on the base of upcycled old Newspaper by using watercolor and spray paint

Size of the painting : (L*B*W= 43Cm * 35Cm * 0.5Cm, Complete poster Including frame)

The Framing bit is totally made up of recycled paper, a bit which you would never see because in the market there are only
two types of bits available which are either wood or plastic fiber.
Indycult already filled for a design patent in Deputy Controller of Patents & Designs, Patent Office to patients the bit.

Ideology: Indycult, an Art Studio, which makes a range of Home Decor Art Pieces.
We at indycult, implement the 3R(Recycle, Reuse, Reduce) principle in each of our art pieces.
and also plants a tree for each of our art lovers for Free to make mother earth, Clean and Green.

Kindly show your love towards indycult by following our
social media handles: Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Pinterest/YouTube @myindycult or #Indycult
Please share this idea with your Friends and Family

Order now from our Online Art Studio website (www.indycult.com) and Decorate your Home in an Eco-friendly way.

Feel free to ask any of your queries regarding our product or product purchase on our official Whatsapp No: @ 7019023231